United States, born 1987
Denzy Dark, artistic alias for Dustin Nispel, is an international award-winning poet and visual artist. His works dive into dark surrealism with cumbersome emotion that pulls at the viewer’s closed doors. The work of Denzy has been described as visual poetry exploring untouched reaches of the soul. A journey meant for ghosts that dream. It is derived from his own hauntings, internally and externally. Where the veil is thin, is where we find Denzy’s work; hung in the recesses, staring back at us as though a mirror of our darker places where angels weep and phoenix rise.
Denzy has been featured at the Pennsylvania State Capital Rotunda in Harrisburg, York Art Association, Hive Art Gallery, Ironic gallery and coffee house, Kings Courtyard Artist Collective, Central Penn College, The Altland House, The White Rose and the York Holistic Expo and The Influx Gallery. In addition to creating artwork he has also curated artwork for his former Gallery The Rooted Art Gallery, where local artist and Internationally renown artists had their works featured. The likes of Peter Max, Salvador Dalí, Henry Matisse and John Lennon made their way through The Rooted Art Gallery while it was in operation.
In addition to his visual art, Dustin Nispel is an author of two full length books of poetry, The Tower (2014) and his latest work The Road Home. He has been writing Poetry and prose since 13 years of age. He has won multiple awards for his writing and performances in slams and competitions; including being recognized on the international stage in 2015 DITËT E NAIMIT in Tetova, Macedonia, receiving Niam’s Candle for best poem performed.
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Contact form for Denzy Dark :
Denzy Dark contact details :
Email : Denzydark@gmail.comCheck availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Denzy Dark, who will respond as soon as possible.
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