Studio 3 by a_machine7

Digital Art by a_machine7 For Sale

  • Title: Studio 3

  • Artist: a_machine7

  • Category: Digital Art

  • Medium: Print

  • Size (inches): 18 x 30

  • Year: 2023

  • Edition: Limited Edition

  • Total no. of copies: 25

  • Framed?: Framed

  • Shipping from: United States

Price: $275

Artwork description

“Studio 3” is a hauntingly atmospheric piece that exudes an eerie stillness. A figure draped in a ghost-like sheet stands as the central focus, with eye holes that appear to be staring into the soul of the viewer. The sheet is a pale, spectral white, forming a stark contrast against the shadowy backdrop of the room. This figure is flanked by vintage television sets on either side, one of which shows a reflection of a similarly shrouded figure, while the other displays an enigmatic static glow.

The color palette is dominated by muted tones, with the ghostly white of the figure drawing the eye amidst the surrounding darkness. The faint greenish tint of the scene adds to the uncanny vibe, suggesting the glow of old phosphor screens in a dimly lit space. The use of color and shadow creates a sense of depth and mystery, giving the impression that there is more to the scene than meets the eye.

The emotional tone of the piece is one of disquiet and introspection. The figure’s obscured face and the silent, unyielding gaze of the eye holes evoke feelings of isolation and the search for identity or meaning. There is an almost palpable tension between the seen and unseen, the known and the unknowable.

Thematic elements of technology and its relationship with humanity are present, perhaps hinting at the ways in which media and screens can act as both windows and barriers to the world. The old-fashioned television sets could symbolize a nostalgia for the past or a commentary on the persistent presence of technology throughout the ages.

The mood of the piece is heavy with a somber atmosphere, bordering on the surreal. It might convey a story about the ghosts of technology, the echoes of media that haunt our collective consciousness, or the veiled truths of our own existence that we struggle to perceive fully.

Overall, “Studio 3” invites the viewer to ponder the complex interplay between reality and representation, presence and absence, and the spectral imprints that history and technology leave behind in our modern psyche.


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