Spring by Susanne Broända

Paintings by Susanne Broända For Sale

  • Title: Spring

  • Artist: Susanne Broända

  • Category: Paintings

  • Medium: Acrylic and ink on printmaking paper (Hahnemühle)

  • Size (inches): About 42 x 31 x 0,08

  • Year: 2023

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: Finland

Price: $1470

Artwork description

Spring symbolizes new beginning and transformation. When we think of spring we often think of light, colors and the returning of life in nature. Spring is in a way an explosion for the senses and we are reminded of the infinity in the circle of life.

In this painting the bird has just crossed the threshold to spring and we can see how the light and the warmth is starting to take over. The coldness and darkness of winter is letting go but is still present as a reminder of the different stages of life.


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