Chick’n by Rachid Arrum (Original Painting)
Paintings by Rachid Arrum For Sale
Title: Chick’n
Artist: Rachid Arrum
Category: Paintings
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size (inches): 80x60 cm
Year: 2024
Framed?: Framed
Shipping from: Netherlands
Price: $1895
Artwork description
The painting depicts a young woman, a “chick” in the most literal sense of the word. Her eyes radiate a mixture of innocence and curiosity, while her posture is relaxed and confident. But the title of the painting, Chick’n, suggests a playful reference to the idea of the woman as an object in a larger world of seduction and expectation.
Arrum has depicted the woman in an abstract space, with bright colors that merge into the background. The chosen colors are intense and contrast strongly with the refined lines of the woman, making her stand out as a striking and lively figure. The surrealist approach of the painting, in which the woman exudes a mixture of modernity and mystery, begs the question: is she merely an object of desire, or does she possess a deeper, more complex identity that goes beyond her appearance?
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