Frank by Mahrk Gotié (Original Painting)
Paintings by Mahrk Gotié For Sale
Title: Frank
Artist: Mahrk Gotié
Category: Paintings
Medium: Acrylic painting on canva
Size (inches): 25 x 21 x 0,79
Year: 2022
Framed?: Unframed
Shipping from: France
Price: $600
Artwork description
In this artwork, I explored the purity of emotions through the prism of art brut and the naive. Each stroke vibrates with spontaneous energy, capturing the essence of our most primal instincts. The large black eyes, like windows to the soul, reflect a captivating intensity, while the lines vibrating around them evoke the sometimes fascinating but often misunderstood chaos of our inner lives.
This painting is a celebration of humanity in its most sincere form and will breathe new life into your space, stimulating a deeper connection with the essential.
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