Twisted by Luca Lamperti

Sculpture by Luca Lamperti For Sale

  • Title: Twisted

  • Artist: Luca Lamperti

  • Category: Sculpture

  • Size (inches): 24.4x24.4x26.7

  • Year: 2024

  • Total no. of copies: 1

  • Edition: Open Edition

  • Shipping from: Italy

Reduced Price: $10000 USD    $7500 USD

Artwork description

He first appeared in my nightmares, then in person…
I discovered that it was him who warned me, and it was him who led me to find Apophis.
Realizing that humankind ignored his warning, he decided that no more chances would be given to us and our world…
He decided to attack us with his millions of robot clones and reclaim the Earth.
To us, the most evil being ever to exist, but to him, a necessity that would prevent further catastrophes.
He said that no living being in the entire universe has ever managed to destroy its own habitat like we have, and that we are a virus that needed to be eradicated!
Theia is handmade using only scraps of sheet metal from old motorcycle bodywork, decorated with polyester and acrylic.
All the engravings on the head and legs are done freehand, mostly using an alien font I created, which was also used on Apophis 99942.


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