Sphere 17 by Luca Lamperti

Sculpture by Luca Lamperti For Sale

  • Title: Sphere 17

  • Artist: Luca Lamperti

  • Category: Sculpture

  • Size (inches): 18.1x19.7x11.8

  • Year: 2021

  • Total no. of copies: 1

  • Edition: Open Edition

  • Shipping from: Italy

Reduced Price: $7000 USD    $5000 USD

Artwork description

And that planet, which was about to collide with us, was actually the world of that alien population coming to reclaim the place they had tried to colonize centuries earlier with an experiment that ultimately failed.
A planet built by an advanced civilization and populated by robots capable of exterminating entire worlds…
Their king was the only being somehow biologically immortal, and his name was Theia, the destroyer of worlds!
Theia is the planet that, 4.5 billion years ago, during the formation of Earth, collided with us, and from the debris that was formed, our moon was born.
Sphere 17 is a lamp made from two stainless steel spheres. The inner one is polished to a mirror finish, while the outer one is decorated with polyester and acrylic. Everything is held together by a steel ring that, even when broken, simulates the rings of planets like Saturn. Is a led lamp


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