The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian by Kevin Rolly

Mixed media by Kevin Rolly For Sale

  • Title: The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

  • Artist: Kevin Rolly

  • Category: Mixed media

  • Medium: photography, acrylic, oil paint

  • Size (inches): 24"x36"

  • Year: 2023

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: United States

Price: $5000

Artwork description

Saint Sebastian (c. AD 256 – 288) was an early Christian saint and martyr. According to traditional belief, he was killed during the Roman emperor Diocletian’s persecution of Christians. He had Sebastian tied to a post and shot full of arrows leaving him for dead. This is often how he is depicted and believed to have died.

But he didn’t die. Another saint named Irene, whose husband was also martyred, risked her life to save Sebastian and nurse him back to health. Once recovered, he took no time to surprise Diocletian and give him a public shaming because the guy was an evil murdering tyrant. Then Diocletian had him beaten to death and thrown into a sewer. He is known for being the patron saint of athletes and archers, but I only recently discovered this:

“St. Sebastian was commonly invoked as a protector against the plague. According to historical records, he defended the city of Rome against the plague in 680. His association with the plague could be because he survived being shot full of arrows and in common belief, pestilence was delivered by arrows shot by the gods above.”

The work was created through the use of traditional black and white darkroom prints from film negatives with the addition of acrylic and oil paint – A technique I call an “OilGraph.”


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