Raphaël Le Falher

7 Paintings by Raphaël Le Falher for sale

The fall
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 23.6x31.9, 2024
Raphaël Le Falher
$1500 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 18.5x25.2, 2021
Raphaël Le Falher
$1400 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 31.5x39.4, 2022
Raphaël Le Falher
$1600 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 23.6x31.9, 2024
Raphaël Le Falher
$1500 USD
Red sun
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 11.8x15.7, 2021
Raphaël Le Falher
$800 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 23.6x31.9, 2024
Raphaël Le Falher
$1500 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 11.8x15.7, 2020
Raphaël Le Falher
$800 USD

Raphaël Le Falher Biography

France, born 1992

French artist based in Nantes, France, I've been drawing since I was a child and studied art AT Pivault school where I learnt both digital and traditionnal technique. I graduated in 2019 and started painting since. I work almost exclusively with oil paint, with a bit of digital painting sometimes.

I really like to explore the human figure in my paintings with a little touch of fantasy and symbolism. I discovered fantasy with an artbook from Frazetta when I was young and it combined everything I liked even though I didn't completely understood it at the time, since then I discovered academicism and fell in love with they way these artists painted their subject. This is were I come from as an artist and I will continue to paint with my personnal dark touch to the human body.

Raphaël Le Falher

Raphaël Le Falher exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Contact Raphaël Le Falher

Contact form for Raphaël Le Falher :

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Raphaël Le Falher contact details :

Email : lefalher.raphael@gmail.com

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