Linda Lewis received a Master of Fine Arts degree in fiber arts from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, USA. During the course of her study, she received a Fulbright scholarship to study at the Danish Design School in Copenhagen, Denmark. Upon her return to the US from Denmark, she received the graduate school's highest award, the Nathan Cummings Foundation Summer Travel Fellowship. After graduating, she developed an impressive record of exhibitions and awards.
Gradually, she shifted from fiber art to digital art. Lewis began entering her digital photomontages into exhibitions and won first prize in the category of digital art media at the 45th International Art Show at the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art in TX. Since then, Lewis has received a number of awards for her work. In January 2020, Gallery Ex Machina in Barcelona, Spain invited her to be in a two-person exhibition. She was selected for Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery’s, 19th “Solo Art Series,” 10/15-11/14/2021. The online magazine “Living the Photo Artistic Life,” regularly selects her artwork for publication, and she was the featured artist in Issue No, 93, Nov. 2022.
Arizona State University, Master of Fine Arts
Fulbright Scholar, Danish Design School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Appalachian State University, Master of Arts in Sociology
McGill University, Montreal, Canada,
University of Texas at Dallas, Bachelor of General Studies,
Graduated Cum Laude
2010 Grant/McAllen Arts Council
2002 Exhibition Development Grant/Arizona Commission on the Arts
1999 Professional Development Grant, AZ Commission on the Arts
12th Annual Nathan Cummings Foundation Summer Travel Fellowship ($4,000.00)
Arizona State University Faculty Women's Association Distinguished Achievement Award Nominee
1997 Selma Sigesmund Memorial Scholarship ($350.00)
1995-96 Fulbright Scholarship ($12,000.00)
1985 Pi Gammu Mu - International Honor Society in Social Science
2014 Public Art Commission, The City of McAllen, TX, design competition for 5 ceramic tile covered standpipes on Bicentennial Blvd. between Nolana and Dove. Completed Dec 2019.
Solo Exhibitions:
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, 19th “Solo Art Series,” 10/15-11/14/2021
Group Exhibitions:
Exhibizone, Digital Creations Exhibition and Promotion, Mar 1 - Apr 30, 2024.
Fusion Art, 8th Annual Cityscapes Art Exhibition, Feb 2024.
Part Crowd Art Gallery, “The Divorce”, Feb 1-29, 2024.
Photo Artfolio, “Beauty Illuminated,” Jan 16-Feb 16, 2024.
HelvetArt, “Open” Art Exhibition, Jan 2024.
Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, “Open Online Exhibition,” Jan 2024.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, 13th Annual “Nature” Art Exhibition, Dec 2023, Gateway (Special Recognition)
Fusion Art, Light & Shadow 2023 Art Exhibition, 11/23.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, “Open,” 11/23. Special Merit for A Carnation.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, “Patterns, Textures & Forms,” 10/23. Special Merit for City.
International Museum of Art and Science, McAllen, TX, 3rd Annual Members’ Juried Art Show 9/30/2023–1/28-2024.
Christensen Gallery, Blanco, TX “Let’s Get Surreal,” 9/2-10/30/2023. 9 pieces of art exhibited
Blank Wall Gallery, Greece, “Cityscapes,” 3/17-29/23.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, 13th Annual “CityScapes,” 3/23. Honorable Mention for Evening in Montmartre.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, 12th Annual “All Women,” 2/23. 1st Place Award in the Photography & Digital Category and 4th Place winner overall for Seeking Deliverance. She Lifted Me Up received Special Recognition.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, “2022 ALL Photography/Living the Photo Artistic Life," Issue No. 93, Nov 2022, Featured Artist, Cover (Time Travel Portal Lobby) and Pgs. 31-35, gital Art Exhibition,” 1/4-31/2023, Wolfhound and Alley Cat (5th Place Award), Flustered, and Sideways Glance
IMAS (McAllen TX), Annual Members’ Juried Art Show, 10/15-12/31, 2022.
Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Liminal II, 8/25-9/30/2022.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2022 All Water/Seascape, 8/17-9/13/2022, Winner for Calypso in the category of Photography and Digital Media.
5th Chania International Photo Festival, Crete, Greece, 7/6-7/12/22.
Weslaco Museum, 1st Annual Mixed Media RGV, 1/4-1/31/2022.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, 11th Annual “All Women,” Photography & Digital Category,
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, "2021 ALL Photography/Digital Art Competition,”
IMAS (McAllen TX), Annual Members’ Juried Art Show, 10/9-1/22, 2022.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2021 Figurative/Portrait, 4th Place winner in the category of Photography and Digital Art for Seeing the Light.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2021 Water/Seascape, Winner in the category of Photography and Digital Media for Wake Up.
141st MMM Fork Image Challenge,, 3rd Place.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, CAGO "2020 ALL Photography/Digital Art Competition,” 12/30/20-1/25/21, selected as a “Winner.” Golden Orb
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, Animals, July 2020, Special Merit Award in the category of photography and digital media for Forest Dweller.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2020 ALL Women Artist Art Theme, 1/27-2/23, 2020, awarded Judge’s Choice in Photography/Digital Art category for Doomsday Train Arrival.
Gallery Ex Machina, (2 person show) Barcelona, Spain, 1/16-3/16/20.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2020 ALL Photography/Digital Art, 1/2-1/31/2020, awarded Best in Show for Flidais and Sionnaigh.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2019 ALL Photography/Digital Art, 12/2/2019-1/31/2020, awarded Best in Show for Art Thief.
Contemporary Art Gallery Online, 2019 ALL Water/Seascape, 5/20-6/16/19, awarded Best in Show in Photography/Digital Art for Baited Hook.
47th International Art Show, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville, TX, 3/27-4/27/19. Received a 3rd Place Award for Arsenic in the digital media category.
El Corazon Exhibition, Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX, 2/2-3/9-2019.
46th International Art Show, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville, TX, 4/25-5/26/18.
Upper Valley Art League, Photographic Art Show, 2/10-3/3/2018.
BMFA/UTRGV Binational, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville, TX, 1/30-2/17, 2018. Juried. 2017
Upper Valley Art League, Mission, TX, Member’s Exhibition, 11/11-12-2, 2017.
45th International Art Show, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville, TX, 3/22-4/5/17. First Prize, Digital Media for Day at the Beach and Honorable Mention for Plastic Ball.
Digitalia, Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, 3/18-4/15, 2017. Juried
2nd Annual Invitational, Conroe Art League, Conroe, TX, 1/2-28, 2017. Juried
3rd Coast National, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, TX, 9/2-10/14, 2016. Juried
The Art Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX, 6/24-7/15,2016.
Upper Valley Art League, Mission, TX, Photography Exhibition, 2/13-3/5, 2016.
Upper Valley Art League, Mission, TX, Member Exhibition, 11/14-12/5, 2015.
Snap to Grid: the UN-Juried Exhibit, los angeles center for digital art, Los Angeles, CA, 12/10/15-1/2/16.
Gallery 409, Brownsville, TX, invitational
Member Exhibition, Upper Valley Art League, Mission, TX, 10/20-11/7-15.
Tower Artists, Chase Tower Building Lobby, McAllen, TX, 9/21-11/22-15.
International Museum of Art and Science, McAllen, TX, 8/10-10/17/15.
Photography & Digital Imaging Exhibit, Upper Valley Art League, McAllen, TX, 2/14-3/10/15.
Contact form for Linda Lewis :
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