Netherlands, born 1972-10-14
I'm an Dutch illustrator based in Zwolle and worked for several publishers and companies.
Since 2015 I started with my project Dark Drawings, which are inspired on the darker side of the brain.
With these drawings I try to create a whole new, unseen world, trying to avoid the usual clichés.
I love working with graphite pencil mixed with charcoal on paper, with my headphones on listing to inspiring music.
But in the near future I also want to paint my imaginary world.
2007 - graduated at the 'HBO Cabk Zwolle Artez' academy, and nominated for best student of the year.
2007- 'Art Award' for illustration BOEKIEBOEKIE.
2011- 'B.B.P.' award for best Graphic Novel.
2015- 'Plastieken Plunk' award for best short comic.
2007- 'TENTaward' for animation 'Het Beloofde Geloof' (The Promised Religion).
Exhibiton: Dark Drawings
2015 - Jointly exhibition 'Landscape in my head' at art-stage 'Room South-Hengelo'. (also winning a Masterclass prize for developing my style).
2016- Jointly exhibition 'landscape in my head' at art-stage K38-Roden.
Contact form for Jan van Doornspeek :
Jan van Doornspeek contact details :
Phone : 031 6 20087148Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Jan van Doornspeek, who will respond as soon as possible.
If you want to send a message to Dark Art Movement, please visit the Contact Us page.