Gábor Zoltán

7 Paintings by Gábor Zoltán for sale

Wrong menu
Paintings, oil on canvas, 47,24x 39,37, 2024
Gábor Zoltán
$2800 USD
Be a light gray
Paintings, Painting in layers, oil on canvas, 59,06x31,5, 2024
Gábor Zoltán
$5000 USD
My garden
Paintings, oil on canvas , 47,24x 39,37, 2024
Gábor Zoltán
$3000 USD
Under the open sky
Paintings, akrylic and marker pen, 39,37x 27,55, 2023
Gábor Zoltán
$2500 USD
Gábor Zoltán
$4500 USD

Gábor Zoltán Biography

Romania, born 2001

Hello, I am Gábor Zoltán, a 23-year-old Hungarian painter living and working in Romania. I am currently working on my Master's degree. I have always been attracted by the arts and have tried my hand in several fields. I have been studying painting since 2020 and since then I have been seriously involved in it. I am of the opinion that a work of art in our time can only be truly authentic if the artist is in touch with his own thoughts and experiences. Therefore, in my paintings I process my own feelings, world view and thoughts. I mostly use oil paint, but I often use mixed techniques or different objects to realise my paintings. With my paintings I try to evoke different emotions in the viewer, to create moods or to provoke the viewer to think.

Gábor Zoltán

Gábor Zoltán exhibitions, studies, awards...


"Passages" competition, with the theme "Diversity", 1st place, entry work "Sweet Bitter", Timisoara, 2020
Competition with the theme "Being Now", participant, entry work "Fashion", Timisoara 2022
Competition on the theme "Picasso", 1st place, entry work "Under the open sky", Timișoara 2023


Group exhibition "Eccentric", participation work "Fear", Reperaj-Cetate Art Galleries, Oradea, March 2022
Group exhibition "Slava Ukraine", participation work "Repetition" Reperaj-Cetate Art Galleries, Oradea, April 2022
Group exhibition "Being Now", participation work "Fashion", Mansarda Gallery, Timișoara, 2022 May
Group exhibition "Backyard", participatory works, "Geometry of Nature" and the series "Point, line, stain", Park Gallery, Timișoara, 2022 June-July
Group exhibition "Pararele", participation works "Fear" and "Bosch in the present", Bolyai János College, Timișoara, 2023 May
Group exhibition "Presence", participation work "Under My Room", Bastion Gallery Timisoara, 2023 June
License exhibition, participation work "Splaiul Nicolae Titulescu", Corneliu Mikloși Museum, Timișoara, 2023 July
Group exhibition "Picasso", participation work "Under the open sky" UVT Art Center Gallery, Timișoara, 2023 October.
Group exhibition "Identities", participation work "My Shades", Park Gallery, Timișoara, 2024 March

Group exhibition "Pararele 2", participation work ” After Storm”, Bolyai János College, Timișoara,2024 April

Group exhibition ”The multiple landscapes”, participation works ” After Storm”, UVT Art Center Gallery, Timișoara, 2024 May

Group exhibition ”Intersection”, participation work ”My Garden” , New Millennium Reformed Center, Timișoara, 2024 June

Group exhibition ”Mutualism Reserve”, participation works ”Lambs” and series ”Peaks” UVT Art Center Gallery, Timișoara, 2024 June

Group exhibition ”Centrality-Infinity-Universe”,participation work ”Be a light gray”, Water Museum, 2024 July



Contact Gábor Zoltán

Contact form for Gábor Zoltán :

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Gábor Zoltán contact details :

Phone : +40748070375
Email : zoltan.gabor1102@gmail.com

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