Austria, born 06.04.1962
Fritz Oberleitner is a professional painter who was born in 1962 in Austria, in the center of Europe, and lives there. He works as a restorer in centuries-old churches, monasteries and castles with an often opaque mythical past, in a field of tension of existential black magic, a horror that is reflected in his painting. An uncanny painting emerges as an incarnation of hallucinating thought friezes through actually seen terrible images from the outside world, which meet the inner world and cause its disturbance. Perception is awakened in an obscure way. Recurring trains of thought develop into an inner concrete visual language, whereby the image motif becomes a kind of constantly expanding thought frieze. The result is a powerful visual dialog between the inner and outer world in order to break open the world in its obscure interpretations and attempts at explanation. The pictures are painted using a specially adapted glazing technique to capture the flow of inner thought processes - between imagination and image.
His paintings are exhibited by various national and international private galleries.
lives as a self-employed painter, inventor and restorer in Graz, Austria.
The Austrian artist Fritz Oberleitner (* 1962 Graz, Austria) is known for his complex conceptual figurative painting, which breaks down reality as an inner language of pictorial thoughts in the field of tension between the inner and outer world.
The artist works step by step from picture to picture and develops a program within a rationalized system that shapes a contemporary general examination and processing of what is seen.
- Numerous experimental sculptures (Neue Wilde)
-Gallery Radetzky Wien: Metal sculptures
- Numerous exhibitions and works in public space with hyper-sized sculptures, where entire cities were involved.
-Berlin: Mobilization of the districts
-Graz: Rotation from the axis
-Gleisdorf: Compression of a city
-Introspektion Graz: Shifts between the airport and the cinema. The exhibitions were opened simultaneously.
-Gallery Payer, Leoben: Displacements of the floor surface
-Wien: Ammerlinghaus: Unfolding of the geometric
-Kunsthalle Graz: Glimpse-Thinking. Individual exhibition
-Boomer Gallery UK: Nightmares
- Florence Contemporary Gallery
- La Pigna Gallery - Palazzo Maffei Marescotti-Roma
- Gallery of Biblioteca Angelica-Piazza di Sant’Agostino -Roma
-Florence Contemporary Gallery
- Gallery Digital Chroma Berlin
-Artist represented by Macabre Gallery
Collected from various national and international private collections.
Currently, the works are executed in acrylic painting in glaze technique and the drawings important for the development in permanent pencil on drawing cardboard. The paintings are painted in a specially adapted glaze technique to capture the fluidity of the inner thought processes - between imagination and image. The seen physicality can be better represented in glazes than via the detour of abstracting prima painting. What is seen is internalized and painted in an act of individualization in a newly developed inner perspective.
For this purpose, a perspective was developed that starts from the individual's point of view, an autonomous perspective in which the changes in the image through the thought processes play a role.
Contact form for Fritz Oberleitner :
Fritz Oberleitner contact details :
Phone : 00436643555312Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Fritz Oberleitner, who will respond as soon as possible.
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