Francisco García

7 Photography by Francisco García for sale

The Sphinx
Photography, 70x50 cm, 2021, 1
Francisco García
$150 USD
Photography, 45x60, 2020, 1
Francisco García
$120 USD
Photography, Photographic paper, 60x40, 2014, 1
Francisco García
$100 USD
Photography, Photographic paper, 50x70, 2018, 1
Francisco García
$160 USD
Photography, Photographic paper , 50x70, 2018, 1
Francisco García
$160 USD
Photography, Photographic paper., 50x70 cm , 2018, 1
Francisco García
$160 USD
Photography, 80x47, 2019, 2
Francisco García
$180 USD

1 artworks sold by Francisco García

Francisco García Biography

Spain, born 1970

Of self-taught formation, in its beginnings it received classes of artistic drawing arriving to win local prizes of drawing.
With the digitalization of photography, he began his photographic career. Specializing in portrait in all its modalities.
The subject of dark art being the point where he develops his most accomplished works. Being a permanent search and exploration more interior than exterior.

Francisco García

Francisco García exhibitions, studies, awards...

Without counting several collective exhibitions:

Individual expositions:

2012: "Mothers". Exhibition room of the Military Casino of Melilla.
2014: "The Dark Side" Exhibition hall of the Club Nautico de Melilla.
2015: "Another Look". Exhibition hall of the Club Nautico de Melilla.
2017: "Memories". Exhibition hall of the Real Club Nautico de Melilla.
2018: "Symbiosis". Exhibition at the Melilla International Airport.

2019: “Complicity”. Exhibition at the Melilla International Airport.

2017: The book of photographs, poems and short stories "Recuerdos".

Currently collaborates with the group "Ventana al Arte".

The photographs presented in Dark Art Movement belong to the work "Horizonte de Sucesos", unpublished until today.

Contact Francisco García

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Francisco García contact details :

Phone : 605929872
Email :

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