Eyajo December Joseph is an artist of the surreal, dark and uncanny. His style is rooted in dark surrealism, expressionism and experimental figurative painting. He paints with acrylics. and also illustrates with ink, the ink art is mostly for his poetry book collections. He prefers to paint on large canvases, but has many smaller sizes available as well. He is also the vocalist/lyricist/chief-songwriter of the goth rock band Black Heroin Gallery and the co-founder, chief-lyricist/keyboardist of the legendary deathrock band Astrovamps. His art has been published in a handful of underground magazines. He lives in Los Angeles.
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Contact form for Eyajo December Joseph :
Eyajo December Joseph contact details :
Email : violentbeauties@gmail.comCheck availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Eyajo December Joseph , who will respond as soon as possible.
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