United Kingdom, born 1984
Claire Zanelli is a fine art painter and arts educator based in London.
With her Italian heritage, Claire spent significant time in Italy, where visits to museums and churches sparked her love for painting and art history. Her work is deeply inspired by the rich traditions of Renaissance and Baroque art, which continue to influence her style.
Claire’s paintings delve into universal themes of mortality, reflecting humanity’s enduring curiosity about what lies beyond life. She uses the concept of death as a lens to explore identity, offering a way to make sense of life itself. By examining the ‘otherness’ of death and its associated objects and experiences, she uncovers the intricate connections between our understanding of mortality and the reconstruction of self. Her highly detailed approach to painting invites viewers to engage deeply, revealing layers of life and death that cannot be fully grasped at first glance.
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Contact form for Claire Zanelli :
Claire Zanelli contact details :
Email : clairezanelli@gmail.comCheck availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Claire Zanelli, who will respond as soon as possible.
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