Aurore Lephilipponnat

6 Drawings by Aurore Lephilipponnat for sale

Women 1
Drawings, Charcoal and ink on paper, 47.2 x 31.5
Aurore Lephilipponnat
France $1500 USD
Chimera Serie 2
Drawings, Mix media on paper, 47.2 x 31.5
Aurore Lephilipponnat
France $1500 USD
Human and Animal (Chimera serie)
Drawings, Mix media on paper (diptyque), 47.2 x 31.5
Aurore Lephilipponnat
France $1500 USD
Untitled 1
Drawings, Charcoal on paper, 47.2 x 31.5
Aurore Lephilipponnat
France $1500 USD
Untitled 2
Drawings, Charcoal and ink on paper, 78.7 x 47.2
Aurore Lephilipponnat
France $1950 USD