France, born 1983
The artist Aurore Lephilipponnat born in 1983 in Chartres, France. She studied at the University of Bordeaux, but left everything to devote herself entirely to her more personal art.
Her work address very intimate themes around butoh dance, woman, body and soul, the links between mind and disorder our physical shell. Faces whose tearful cries immerse themselves in moments of light, when the veil falls and the nature of Human Beings finally appears, in counting, disembodied nudity.
Most of her drawings are part of a series on the butoh (Japanese dance) of the birth of the soul in the body expression, faces, the suggestion of identity deep small fragments of humanity. She often work about sober stage around the body movement, and the abolition of appearances, mainly exploiting the disembodied surface of our vehicle; this great vehicle for our existence, and attempts to show our inner light, the echo of our deep voice, our subtle song.
Anything that opens to the living, it returns to the earth, vegetation, and restores his feather cloak, adorned with gold and burlesque masks, to the original source Land. Veins hand stringy network flows of organic and spongy units, wherein the ink becomes centerpiece. And letting go, a reference to the nature of life: Inconstante, true, pure, uncontrollable. This painting is an outlet for the pain, the abolition of art seem, protection, cover, amniotic mask, introspection to his inner being, a contemplative look from the inside out.
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