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Alejandro Barrón painter was born in Mexico City in 1980. He is a self-taught painter and has never had any formal training in the oil painting process. He studied at the National School of Plastic Arts in Mexico City, but his focus was on academics and learning the craft of lithography, while there. One of his early important influences in painting was the work of Henry Fuseli, whose paintings favored the supernatural.
Alejandro Barrón is very attracted to the painting style of the seventeenth century, particularly tenebrism, also called dramatic illumination. Currently, his work is inspired by the circus world of the nineteenth century, with a particular emphasis on the anomalies, which confront our notion of normalcy and order. For Barrón, the circus is a metaphor of life.
Recurring themes in the work of Alejandro Barrón include the forbidden, eroticism, fear, pain, tragedy, and death. In his paintings combines the everyday with the bizarre, which can take various forms and introduced unexpectedly in reality, even this may be strange, or parallel to the one we know.
Most of his work is part of private collections in Mexico and abroad; as well as some public collections such as the Chapingo Autonomous University.
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