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United States, born 1997
Abbey Alvis is a Texas-based artist, born in 1997 and raised in a divorced household. As a child, she experienced fears and anxiety but found solace in dark narratives in novels and movies that she continues to draw inspiration from. Trained in ceramics at Southwest School of Art, she now works in illustration, utilizing pen and ink techniques with stippling and strong, solid outlines. The subjects of her drawing are anthropomorphic Pig Women, using them to explore domestic horror, navigation of unwell home environments, and the effects on those who live within them.
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Contact form for Abbey Alvis :
Abbey Alvis contact details :
Email : 123abbeya@gmail.comCheck availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Abbey Alvis, who will respond as soon as possible.
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